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Traces Olion

4.8 ( 8688 ratings )
Sundhed & Fitness Underholdning
Forfatter: National Museum of Wales

Traces is not an audio guide. Nor is it a tourist guide.
It is a companion telling you a story that reveals fragmented moments of intertwining fact and fiction inspired by St Fagans; the space, its stories and archives.
It is for the curious. For the seekers of mystery. And for those who are willing to get lost in the traces of a story.

Traces is a site specific storytelling audio app that is designed as a single experience or an experience that could be shared with a partner. Split into chapters, participants are taken on a journey around the site framing the space in a new way through narrative and composition.

This is not a factual audio guide, it is an artistic narrative interpretation designed for people to experience St Fagans, Cardiff in a new way.

We’ve tried to make Traces as accessible as possible. However we would recommend an age guide of 12+ and for families to do the solo journey so that you can stay together during the experience.

Download the app before you arrive at St Fagans as there currently isn’t a public wifi connection. You will not need a data connection during the experience.

Traces was produced by yello brick in collaboration with The National Museum of Wales and Cardiff University.

With special thanks to the rest of the creative team:
Hoffi - Application Build
Sara Lewis - Writer
Jak Poore - Composer
Natalie Paisey - Actor

Nid yw Olion yn ganllaw sain. Nac yn ganllaw i dwristiaid.
Mae’n gyfaill sy’n adrodd stori i chi, sy’n datgelu momentau tameidiog o ffeithiau a ffuglen sy’n ymblethu wedi’i ysbrydoli gan Sain Ffagan; y lle, y straeon a’r archifau. Mae ar gyfer pobl chwilfrydig. Ar gyfer y rheiny sy’n chwilio am ddirgelwch. Ac ar gyfer y rheiny sy’n fodlon ymgolli mewn trywydd stori.

Mae Olion yn ap sain adrodd straeon penodol i safle sydd wedi cael ei ddylunio fel profiad unigol neu brofiad y gellid ei rannu â phartner. Wedi’i rannu’n benodau, eir â’r chi ar daith o gwmpas y safle, yn amlygu’r lle mewn ffordd newydd trwy naratif a chyfansoddiad. Nid yw hwn yn ganllaw sain ffeithiol, mae’n ddehongliad naratif artistig i bobl gael profiad o Sain Ffagan, Caerdydd mewn ffordd newydd.

Rydym ni wedi ceisio gwneud Olion mor hygyrch â phosibl. Fodd bynnag, byddem yn argymell canllaw oedran o 12+ oed ac i deuluoedd wneud y daith unigol, er mwyn i chi allu aros gyda’ch gilydd yn ystod y profiad.

Lawrlwythwch yr ap cyn i chi gyrraedd Sain Ffagan gan nad oes cysylltiad wi-fi yno i’r cyhoedd ar hyn o bryd. Ni fydd arnoch angen cysylltiad data yn ystod y profiad.

Olion gan yello brick, mewn cydweithrediad ag Amgueddfa Werin Cymru a Phrifysgol Caerdydd.

Gyda diolch arbennig i weddill y tîm creadigol:
Hoffi – Creu’r rhaglen
Sara Lewis – Awdur
Jak Poore – Cyfansoddwr
Natalie Paisey – Actor